Clintons all the way down

I continue my hunt for stories that make sense of the mind-numbingly wheels-within-wheels developments in the Russia hoax, especially with the recent arrest of Igor Danchenko. From now on the Steele Dossier should be known as the Clinton Dossier, though the NYT Dossier might be as good. This Powerline report is good, as is the National Review summary it links to. In conclusion,
Although we have become inured to it, the degradation and corruption of the FBI, the CIA, and the Department of Justice should retain the ability to shock. The transformation of the press into the eager tool of these agencies for the rankest of purposes must be included in reckoning the deep meaning of the Danchenko case . . . .
Seriously, they want to topple a U.S. President, and the go-to guy is named Igor? Who writes these B-list scripts?


  1. ymarsakar6:32 AM

    Who... I am. It's obvious for a reason, to let the viewers and readers get the plot. Too complicated and not everyone will get it. That would not be a fair disclosure then.

  2. Kimberly Strassel had a good op-ed in the Wall Street Journal right after the indictment dropped that pulled together a lot of the Danchenko links.

    If you want to try a more gonzo style, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi almost always comment on Russiagate developments, as well as do some of their own reporting, on SubStack. Some of their reports are subscriber-only, however.

    I remember way back when this was starting there were rumors about a second (or maybe first?) Trump dossier being shopped around by Sid Blumenthal that had much the same information as Steele's. It is interesting to see another Clintonite (Charles Dolan, aka PR Exec 1) as an information source.

  3. I will start using "Clinton Dossier."

  4. Jake Sullivan:
