Brilliant solution

In what is proving to be the standard cognitive avoidance technique, pioneered by the Commander in Chief, one of my neighbors first objected that the $450K number was ridiculous and demanded to know where I got it, then did a quick search and came back to change her argument to "But you know they actually deserve it." Either way, Mr. Cruz's proposal is sound: pay them with Hunter Biden paintings. Win-win.


  1. Hunter probably can't paint that fast, but I've got a solution for that problem as well! Just have him do *one* painting, and run of an unlimited class of prints. By the monetary reasoning prevailing in the Biden administration, each of 100,000 identical copies should be as valuable as a single, unique image.

  2. OT has a super idea.

    And, in keeping with the central idea behind Hunter's sales, accompany each painting with an Admit One, +One, to the Oval Office for an in-person confab.

    Mr Foster: your idea has merit, too, with one fillip: it's not that hard to imprint an NFD or other watermark onto each of the runoffs, verifying the authenticity of each "copy."

    Eric Hines

  3. "That's not happening and it's good that it is" has been the standard rhetoric for at least a year now. "That claim is ridiculous and they deserve every penny" is just a new variation on the theme.

  4. "CRT doesn't exist and it's awesome."
