Anti-Masking Laws

New Black Panthers march with loaded rifles and masked faces outside the courthouse considering the Arbery case in Georgia.

Georgia law bans this use of masks. The law was passed to target exactly this kind of terroristic behavior, specifically by the Ku Klux Klan. In yet another unconstitutional action by an executive during the pandemic, Georgia governor Brian Kemp issued an executive order 'suspending the law' -- which he has no authority to do -- in order to encourage mask wearing.

Now you have terrorist actions designed to intimidate jurors and courts, hoping to compel a desired verdict out of the frightened populace. 

This is another reason why we must never allow these unconstitutional executive actions, not even in a pandemic, no matter how compelling their argument is about how they're acting for the public good. The laws, the constitutions, these things exist for reasons that have survived pandemics and epidemics, wars and famines. They are the inherited wisdom of the ages, and even this most-well-intentioned unconstitutional exception has returned armed terrorist mobs to our streets. 


  1. You just don't understand the actions of the Enlightened Ones.

  2. So other than the mask thing, where they are following an executive order, what’s the issue with them open carrying rifles?

  3. Anonymous10:32 PM

    It might be situational. I know a few municipalities have laws against "brandishing to intimidate" near courthouses and outdoor political events, although I'm not sure the laws have ever been enforced. *shrug*


  4. Rifles are legal to open carry in Georgia. If your face is on display so that you’re accountable for it, it’s a better situation than if you’re allowed a mask.

  5. ymarsakar2:10 PM

    I am not even allowed to write on other people's blogs. What makes you think meta death verse will allow anyone to do anything their platoform, or that god will allow your continual existence on Earth?

    It's a bit of interesting logick.
