Yale: Official Commitments to Academic Freedom Don't Represent Who We Are as a University

'We're more of a woke kind of place, really.' 

"What are Yale’s promises worth? If we are to believe its lawyers in court a few weeks ago, they’re not worth that fancy paper the Woodward report is printed on."


  1. What are Yale’s promises worth? ...not worth that fancy paper the Woodward report is printed on.

    Well, Yale is typical of what passes for academia the last several years, so who's surprised?

    Eric Hines

  2. Quite likely relevant: The legal doctrine of apparent authority


  3. This was a huge issue in Iraq. “We had an agreement, negotiated in front of witnesses by our commander and your tribal leaders.”

    “No, only two of the brothers were present. All three have to agree for it to be binding. Thanks for doing your part though.”
