RIP Colin Powell

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has died at age 84. The news reports all mention "COVID complications," as well as the fact that he was fully vaccinated. What's probably more telling is that he was also being treated for multiple myeloma, a cancer of the white blood cells that collapses the immune system. The best vaccine in the world won't help someone whose immune system in kaput.


  1. Thanks for the insight on his illness, which has been completely absent in the few reports I have seen. It pains me to see several news sources crowing vindictively "Fully Vaccinated!!!". Will we ever see a return of objective reporting that is respectful of its audience?

  2. Powell will be remembered chiefly not for his stellar career, I fear, but for his speech before the United Nations in which he staked his personal honor on what turned out to be false or exaggerated claims about Saddam's weapons program. That is too bad, because as a military man he did well; well enough that, in those days, I was willing to trust his word on such matters as this just because it was his word.

    In a way that is a high compliment, that so many of us were willing to trust his word. In another way it is perhaps the chief matter of reckoning; but that is for a higher power than me to judge, thank goodness.

  3. Will we ever see a return of objective reporting that is respectful of its audience?


    Although, we haven't really seen integrity in the NLMSM at least since Walter Cronkite's lies during the Tet Offensive.

    Eric Hines

  4. raven5:17 PM

    I was dismayed to see the vax vs nonvax crap being run- an 84 year old man struggling with cancer is not a basis to judge any treatment, or lack of treatment.

    It's like arguing about whether it is better to go over Victoria falls in a canoe or a rowboat.

  5. ymarsakar1:20 AM

    Unless the cancer was after wax.
