Report on Post-Vaccination Peri/Myocarditis Side Effect

This is a presentation by a cardiology fellow on the issue of pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardial sack around the heart) and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart tissue itself) following COVID-19 vaccination.

I've set it to start when he discusses the wider conclusions and implications. The first roughly 10 minutes are a detailed discussion of two patients who suffered these side effect.

TL; DL (too long; didn't listen):

This side effect is mostly seen in male (76%) patients aged 12-29 (57%). Out of 52 million people vaccinated in that age group, there have been 1,226 reports of this side effect. It's not nothing, but it's pretty rare.


  1. It also seems to be the case that the vast majority of Wuhan Virus vaccine-related xcarditis resolves completely over the course of a few days to a few months. It's no fun to experience the symptoms of an xcarditis, some of which are pretty seriously uncomfortable, but the condition clears, and the victim subsequently seems none the worse for wear.

    Still, the question remains: what's the purpose of vaccinating children? Risk mitigation? There's not much risk to children at all; although those odds can be reduced further with the vaccination. Whether that reduction is enough to cover even the minuscule risk of an xcarditis side effect, though, is an open question. Mitigating the seriousness of the disease while it's being experienced? More so of this, even though the vast majority of the few unvaccinated children who do catch the virus don't get seriously sick.

    Of course, it's also not straightforward to conduct a 10-year longitudinal study in even a little bit less than 10 years.

    Eric Hines

    1. ymarsakar12:32 PM

      Yes once they aee dead the condition clears. Otherwise it is worse.

    2. ymarsakar12:33 PM

      When people die of wax, death doct9rs call it heart attack aka natural causes.

  2. Joe Rogan had Dr. Sanjay Gupta as his guest today, and he had lots of questions, in the portion I listened to. Gupta was at a little bit of a loss to answer all of them, especially the ones about vaccinating the very young. Rogan's conversations are always friendly, but some are more friendly than others.

    I thought Gupta came across as trying too hard to be earnest & sincere, and trying very hard, unsuccessfully, to sound like what he thought Rogan's audience would call a 'regular guy'. It was like seeing an executive at a tractor pull, a white-collar guy that you know lives in a suit, wearing blue jeans with a crease.

  3. ymarsakar12:30 PM

    Pilots dyijg in air due to wax. And pilots quittinf over refusal of mandatory.

    The media has controlled your minds and reality. But for hospital and pilots. They know. Cause they see it all the time.
