Oz: Bikers May No Longer Have Tattoos, Gather in Public

These are felony offenses. 


  1. It's too bad they don't have Chopper Read around to comment on this anymore.

  2. Oz has become a full-blown Stasi police state while we were watching. It was so damn easy to do. There has been no resistance or push back.

    This is happening all over the Anglosphere. There is something deeply wrong with Anglo culture.

    1. Ymarsakar9:03 AM

      People love the queen. A hand of satan along with black white p s of rome.

      As in job, this is what people get.

  3. raven8:01 PM

    Interesting. This will be expanded to include those opposing any government policy quick as can be. They always start with the group least likely to attract public sympathy.

    With a caveat- they seldom screw with groups who have the will to actually them serious physical harm. If the bikers emulate the Muslims this could ramp up "interesting" into full blown "entertainment".

  4. Australia has gone far enough down this line that I'd think we'd have to say that they didn't "start with" bikers. They've been using vast arrays of previously unimaginable police force against ordinary people for months.

    This is an escalation, though, and outside the cover of COVID that they've been using to justify their other natural rights violations under color of law.

  5. Ymarsakar9:01 AM

    Obey the police. Obey the law. Everyrhing within the state. Nothing outside the state. Iy is for your own good save grandma.

    So long as humans deny justice to the children, i and god will continue to let satan s plan show itself in all its darkest glory.
