Old Days Gone

Much of this has to do with the fact that the ‘Old’ left was young, and consequently lacked power; whereas the ‘Modern’ left is old, and has become possessed of all the power of the institutions. 


  1. Note well: the New Left did NOT cancel 'free love.'

    There's a reason for that. Ask Aristotle about the strength gained from self-control, and how that makes for a stronger polity.

  2. Yes, Aristotle has a lot to say about that.

    You’re right that ‘free love,’ far from being cancelled, has expanded into realms unimagined.

  3. the New Left did NOT cancel 'free love.'

    Indeed. It was too often used as an excuse for coerced sex or outright rape--"What's wrong wit' choo? Ain't you liberated?"

    Eric Hines
