Oh, a Fed

Suddenly the chief mystery of Jan 6 — to whit, why the more-than-ample security forces available to the Capitol were close to unemployed, the Capitol being instead defended by a smaller cohort than typical for a weekday— looks as if it might have a good answer


  1. raven3:54 PM

    Considering that seemingly every recent "right wing" terrorist plot in the US is planned and developed by the feds, why would Jan 6 be any different?

  2. Well, President Trump personally endorsed the rally and asked people to come. So it might have been organic; but it looks like the establishment decided to use the organic event to stage some entrapment. Another setup.

  3. My understanding is that the initial actions occurred before Trump was done speaking at a venue that was also some distance from the Capitol. Beyond Trump generally endorsing that people gather in DC on 1/6 to protest during the Certification process, I think it's an open question how much coordination there was between the Trump rally and the riot on the Hill.

  4. I have a neighbor who was in D.C. for the rally, but got weird vibes about the direction things were taking, and so declined to join the crowd moving toward the Capitol.

  5. ymarsakar7:22 PM

    I told some people not to go out on the streets, and this was in december, way before January. My psionic senses picked up that military operations would be going on and I told people that they did not want to be out on the streets when it happened.

    All of it came true. In some ways, psionics is far superior than the FBI and NSA combined.
