No one wants to hear it

Kurt Schlichter looks forward to a GOP primary battle in 2024. He assumes it may be with Mike Pompeo, whom he likes well enough in a (yawn) way, but he'd prefer Trump if his President in Exile can run the right campaign:
Trump has to work out some kinks in his delivery. As Byron York observed, at a recent rally he had the crowd rocking when he was roasting President * over his myriad failures, from the border to Afghanistan to inflation and beyond. Yet, when Trump started going on and on about 2020 in excruciating detail, the rally got off to a flying stop.


  1. Yeah, 2020 is over. We just need to concentrate on the future and keep the lessons from 2020 in mind in the upcoming elections.

  2. Colonel Kurt, voice of reason?

  3. No kidding--he seemed awfully restrained in this piece.

  4. Schlichter is an idiot. Pompeo is one of the monsters and minions of the Deep State. He and Bolton did everything they could to thwart Trump, and they largely succeeded.

  5. Trump is too old to run again. I’m not as well informed as many here in the Hall, so I’m not sure who will be a worthy candidate in 2024.
