I'm no Democrat, apart from being a Democrat

This is about like saying, "I'm no Communist, but I advocate seizing all the means of production by force." True, it's intellectual lunacy, but that doesn't matter, because Trump.


  1. The enemy of your enemy ... can still be your enemy.

  2. I prefer to think of myself as a libertarian-leaning independent but, this coming primary season, I feel that the goal of saving the republic requires me to vote Republican.

  3. Enemy was too harsh.

    In honor of Jonah Goldberg, who seems to be one of the leading lights, I'll call it the 'Underpants Gnome Party.'

    1. Elect our opponents

    2. ?

    3. Profit!

  4. The trick is realizing that they are not really opponents. The establishment is the establishment. They fear they’ve got to purge the Republican Party of all Trump-aligned figures, since they failed to suborn MAGA like they did the TEA Party movement.

  5. Grim, yes, I get that.

    It's just hard to be anything but a little snarky since Goldberg, David French, distaff Cheney the Younger, Adam Kinzinger, et al now sound quite a bit like the 'True Cons' they were battling in that era who claimed a hidden GOP majority would emerge from the wilderness once the party returned to its 'principles'. It maybe that the MAGA/Tea Party will eventually prevail if socially and fiscally conservative non-whites shift their direction. I'm not sure anybody saw that coming.

  6. Of course they're not enemies. They keep telling us they're nominally R but vote D, so we always knew what team they were on. The objectionable part was mostly the lying about it.

    It's not as though they were the first people in history who found it uncomfortable to fit within a caucus that struggles with internal tensions and contradictions. Haven't I had to scour primaries to find people within the Rs who practiced what I wish the whole R party would become, and then contribute to their campaigns and vote for them? 100% of R voters don't happen to agree with me, which can be frustrating, but I'm not going to start voting for a lot of deranged Socialists in a fit of pique when I don't get my way. I'm not even going to throw my vote away in the general election voting for a unicorn: I'll always choose the lesser of two evils with at least a minuscule chance of winning the seat, and vow to work harder in the next primary to ensure we have a better choice.

  7. It's difficult to imagine what goes on in the mind of a person who thinks that Republicans/Trump supporters are the primary threat to American democracy.

  8. Of course they're not enemies. ... The objectionable part was mostly the lying about it.

    How can liars be anything but enemies?

    Eric Hines

  9. I am skeptical of anyone that votes for parties instead of individuals.

  10. Eric, I meant the RINOs are not really enemies of the Dems, they're just pretending to be members of a different party. I was responding to Grim's comment about people not really being opponents, but I may have misinterpreted him.

  11. T99, I think your interpretation was reasonable; I was just taking a broader interpretation of lying. I don't see how liars can be anything other than enemies, even of those for whom the lies might be convenient. That's only a short-term outcome; attacking the truth attacks everyone.

    Eric Hines

  12. Aggie, being in the legislative majority is everything. 'Mr. Smith goes to Washington' is pure fiction.

  13. Gringo5:15 PM

    In a recent conversation with my Demo brother, he said he had turned from mostly Demo to yellow dog Demo (my term, not his) because of the "authoritarian" tendencies of the Republicans. Which is why I don't bother to discuss politics with him or his wife (who is much more the intense Demo.)
