Blackstrap Molasses

Mentioned in the recent recipe, blackstrap has a long history of recommendation as a health food. 


  1. My doc put me on a low potassium diet. Hell, I'm not even supposed to eat bananas.

    Too much potassium can cause your heart to stop. (Potassium is one of the ingredients in the cocktail of drugs used in lethal injection executions.)

  2. Look up the Great Boston Molasses Flood, a remnant of the old Triangular Trade.

  3. Potassium is one of the ingredients in the cocktail of drugs used in lethal injection executions.

    So is dihydrogen monoxide.

    Danny Kaye seems to me underappreciated at the moment compared to some of his peers.

    1. Yes, DHMO is used to dissolve the Potassium Chloride crystals and is used in conjunction with a barbiturate and a paralytic drug like Curare.

  4. Bless you for bringing up the great Danny Kaye! I was just going to search youtube for some his classics.
