An Impeachable Offense

Dishonorably discharging those who have served honorably is malfeasance as Commander in Chief. This is a disgrace; forcing out servicemembers who won't take the vaccine is one thing, but treating them as felons and denying them the benefits they have earned at war is monstrous. 
Potential consequences for non-compliance with Pentagon vaccine mandate are dire, including loss of eligibility for a range of important benefits, opportunities, honors and rights. A United States Marine corporal who served in Afghanistan during Operation Freedom Sentinel and Operation Southern Vigilance is facing dishonorable discharge for refusing to take the COVID-19 shots as required by the secretary of defense. 

Having been diagnosed with two heart conditions, arrhythmia and right bundle branch blockage, taking an experimental drug with unknown long-term side effects isn't a medical option for him, he says, especially since the shots have already been proven to cause blood clots and heart inflammation. However, he was informed that the only medical waiver he could receive was if he was diagnosed with congenital heart failure. 

In terms of correlation-not-causation, anecdotal evidence, my blood pressure has shot from 120/80 before the vax into ranges that are causing the nurse practitioner I recently sought out for a physical to demand that I start taking medication. There's no obvious other explanation for why my blood pressure would shoot up tens of points on both scales in months; but if clots are thickening my blood, I might have all kinds of medical problems resulting from it. You can't ask a guy with known heart conditions to take the thing if a previously healthy guy like me develops serious conditions at least correlated with it and with no obvious other cause. 

Likewise, in the UK there is a mysterious rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries. Correlation, not proven causation; but that doesn't make people less dead. 

Using the weapon of dishonorable discharges -- a species worse than 'bad conduct' or 'other than honorable' discharges -- is evil and wrong. This guy deserves an honorable discharge, even if you parted ways with him on this contentious issue. Other case may be otherwise, but 'dishonorable' is almost certainly out of order. It denies you civil rights, including the right to own or bear arms. It's another weapon our enemies in our own government are using against all of us, any of us whom they can.


  1. This is not about disease prevention anymore- if it ever was. Covid has turned into a tool of tyranny.

  2. An awful story--and I hate hearing this news about you, too. I hope it's a temporary thing.

  3. Doubtless temporary, I suppose. But the whole purpose of seeking a physical was to identify problems and address them. This one was just unexpected, because my blood pressure was recently excellent; and I eat a healthy diet and exercise vigorously. But here we are, for whatever reason.

  4. There might--might--be a case for something along the lines of Verbal Counseling, or even Letters of Counseling, for refusal of that order. More than that is just establishment terror of folks thinking for themselves.

    However, even the lawfulness of the order is an open question. Prior vaccination requirements were for actually lethal diseases. With the Wuhan Virus having--for the fundamentally healthy, as our military personnel are--a mortality rate given a case that's down in the anecdote range (and an even lower rate given an infection), there's no rational case for the requirement.

    Eric Hines

  5. ymarsakar6:08 PM

    This is a disgrace; forcing out servicemembers who won't take the vaccine is one thing, but treating them as felons and denying them the benefits they have earned at war is monstrous.

    It's all good for my war effort against evil on Earth.

    Time to do some Cleaning.

    The military is stubborn as hell. They will obey orders even if it makes no fking sense, as in Afghanistan.

    Getting them to disobey the Authorities.... well, that is kind of tricky. But getting them the treatment of Saddam's Sunni generals.... ahh, well that's a idfferent type of Fallujah 2 entirely.

  6. ymarsakar6:10 PM

    Raven, Covid19 is a bio weapon utilizing Atlantean hybrid DNA cross splicing human with animal cells. It was created by Wuhan/Fauci, and so was the waxxine. Both are binary bio toxins when put together.

    In fact, they are essentially the same thing. THe reason why nobody has isolated Covid19 virus is because the VIRUS did not exist as a manufactured virus from human cells. It only existed as an air spread bio weapon created to infect humans and mess them up. And the "shot" contains extremely high dosages of this spike protein toxin and makes the human celsl reproduce them ad infinity.

    This is quite clever of Satan's faction.

    They created the problem. And then gave you the solution. Both were essentially death sentences either way. Good job Satan, he is truly testing Job here.

  7. ymarsakar6:14 PM

    "You can't ask a guy with known heart conditions to take the thing if a previously healthy guy like me develops serious conditions at least correlated with it and with no obvious other cause. "

    If you want a natural/real fix for this, I know who has it. Health ranger, on Brighteon.

    Of course I also heal lots of finicky human health problems.

    Human health will be massively damaged by this in credibility. Massive. THey will have to look for the new age healers like Ymar, to do much of anything now a days. I guarantee, lots of us did not take no bio weapon shot. I am not taking the 7th booster either.

    God provides, as divine power overshadows me as usual.
