Year Zero

David Reaboi on the destruction of statues.

I feel like I should say something about this, but what's left to say? They intend to destroy all of it. They are actively doing so. We cannot stop them through legal means, because for the moment they have captured the government and all its power. The statues themselves aren't worth the blood that would likely result from resorting to extra-legal means; and so we don't. 

They're still wrong, though, to destroy the art of our ancestors and the peace that was built around it. They don't care, and they intend to continue until all of it is wrack.


  1. The statues are but an icon of what they intend to destroy.
    The goal is the utter destruction of western civilization, it's history, art, culture, science, the lot.

  2. Yes, but while they are busy destroying the icons, tides and time change. Their hour will not last forever.

  3. I can’t argue with anything you have written. Nevertheless, this destruction fills me with a certain rage. What they are doing is evil and it seems there is nothing that can be done. It won’t stop with Lee or Jackson. This is only the beginning.

  4. You're doubtless correct about their intentions. Hurting you is part of the plan, too, though a secondary consideration. The primary consideration is making over America into an ideologically progressive country that celebrates only their own heroes. If they're able to make you unhappy and uncomfortable, and to make you feel like you've lost your country and are no longer welcome here -- even that you have no home left in the whole world, and might wish to leave it -- all the better.

    The one thing you can control is that last part. As the Stoic philosophers point out, much of reality is outside our control but our attitude is always under our control. Refusing to let them make you feel that way is the one victory you can completely control.

    In fact, of course, there is an important sense in which we really do not have a home anywhere in this world. It's worth keeping ahold of that, too.

  5. raven1:54 PM

    The home on earth was a place in which a certain set of principals were held in law and custom. Stripping that away could lead to a very dynamic situation. What was that old saying, protected from the feeble now by trigger warnings, something about reluctance to change and suffering until the intolerable level is reached...

  6. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Since one of the first monuments vandalized was . . . the memorial to the all-black US Army regiment in the Civil War, the 54th Massachusetts, the iconoclasts tipped their hand early. Not that it matters to those who glory in destruction, or those who would appease the mob with empty gestures.

    I said my piece some years ago, when the anti-Columbus surge began. Grim and others say it better.


  7. (With upbeat Danny Boy in the background).

    Rod Dreher writes a (too?) long note about the goal of destroying Christian Civilization.

    Original raw version of the song by The Band.
    " It conveys to me the pain of defeat, and of the tragedy of giving everything you have to a losing cause. "

    Christians in America do not yet know the pain of defeat, and won't feel it much in losing Kabul, but the pain, the losses, are only going to continue getting worse.

    If I was in America, I'd be trying to become a school board member, possibly even a teacher. Christians need a counter-march thru the institutions, and support for new ones.
