What Just Happened Here?

White House staff suddenly freaks out and expels the media during the middle of a conference with Biden and Boris Johnson. Johnson was mid-sentence when they suddenly push the press out of the room.

UPDATE: The White House explains that Johnson didn't have permission

"Our relationship with the United Kingdom and with Boris Johnson is so strong that we will be able to move beyond this, but he called on individuals from his press corps without alerting us to that intention in advance."

So it's a diplomatic affront that an allied head of government took questions from the press, at a press conference, without seeking permission. Fortunately, though we are understandably upset by this, our relationship is strong enough to survive it. 


  1. Biden had a Depends moment?

  2. In any other administration, interrupting the speaking head of government of the UK during a joint press conference with the US in order to remove the press would have heralded something like an incoming nuclear strike and the need to shift immediately to the Situation Room. In this administration, we wonder if Biden's people just didn't want him to take questions.

  3. I pay so little attention to these things that i was surprised at their exiting comments, all the journalists saying "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" almost like Middle Eastern beggars. It bothered me greatly. Is this traditional, as a way of staying in good graces and getting the great powers of the world to call on you?

  4. Expand the video to full screen and watch Biden's face in the moments leading up to the handlers'...excitement. Also watch his face immediately as his handlers begin shouting.

    Eric Hines

  5. The feeble old-man hand wave is telling. He's barely in control of his body.

  6. I assume this upset them primarily because they need time to plant favorable questions to which they can have their leader practice reading approved answers.

  7. Gringo6:23 PM

    Not nice for a Brit to show up a Yank President by being able to speak without a teleprompter and without seeing questions beforehand. At least that's how the White House Demo staff people think.

    Myself, I wish our President had that capability.
