

  1. His handlers must be totally overworked and exhausted, to have allowed this to happen.

    I get it, though. As soon as he's done with prepared remarks they have to start shouting over reporters: "Ok, bye, thanks, thank you, bye!" over and over. They have to be on constant alert if he goes off message so they can cut his mike. It's a high-stakes job where they cannot let their guard down at all.

    "Oh, a photo op with a family with lots of kids? Phew. At least that can't go wrong."

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Or, maybe, just maybe, Biden is not the kind of person to care whether innocent kids are wearing his opposition's merch.

  3. As proven by the mike-cuts, it doesn't matter what he thinks. His handlers are handling him as much as the media.

  4. I'd like to say it shows a bigger person who can let himself be photographed with kids wearing Trump paraphernalia, but I'm pretty sure it's not that simple. Nor do I believe he's so far gone he didn't notice it. I do note his arm is around the girl's waist though - consistent with past painfully=awkward Uncle Joe indiscretions.

  5. As I saw on FB, the smell of baby shampoo was irresistible.

  6. It would be nice to think he was trying to transcend politics, but out of character. I guess we'll see if he ever does it again.
