Scenes From the DC Entrapment Festival

Apparently there was a demonstration, by someone or other, allegedly in support of J6 detainees. I had to ask a left wing friend for details, because no one I know on the right told me anything about it. Apparently it got big play in the media, though, and the Capitol police put the Wall back up and came in riot gear

There are some amusing photos and memes, though. 

UPDATE: The only person arrested appears to have been an undercover cop. 

UPDATE: Another good meme.

UPDATE: And another. One commenter asks, "How out of touch is the FBI if they think this is how we dress?"


  1. Isn't it interesting that the media will gravitate to the most off the wall people at these things? I saw one interview with a late teen, early 20's kid who was dressed in buckskins and a coonskin cap, carrying a US flag on a branch, for lack of a better word.

  2. I'm sure they were hoping for another Buffalo Hat moment. Coonskin was as close as they could get today.

  3. I did see somewhere that actual protestors were getting swarmed by the far-bigger journalist crowd attending the event, desperate for actual quotes from actual protesters.

    When I saw the riot Storm Troopers, I kept looking for Rick Moranis in an oversized Darth Vader helmet - there was one really short one in the initial march-to-postion and I got my hopes up, but nope.

    I'm sure this must be a fake account:

    ...but it does look like the Food Trucks are having a tough day.
