Requiescant in Pace

Two men who were each significant thinkers have passed on in the last day, one from each side of the political spectrum.

Professor Emeritus Angelo Codevilla should be known to all of you. His most famous essay is here, and is as worth reading today as when he wrote it. Here is his final work, on the rescuing of America. In addition to being deeply insightful on the course and fate of the nation he loved, he was a scholar of and participant in intelligence operations. The nation loses one who was both a patriot and a serious thinker, either a sad loss and the combination a tragedy. 

Professor Charles Mills was a scholar from Trinidad who wrote chiefly about philosophy of race but also in Marxist thought. Unlike most people in that field, he was a man of extraordinary courtesy, one who undertook to discuss the issues of race in ways that were designed to illuminate the genuine problems and identify solutions that were acceptable. His death leaves the field much poorer intellectually at a time when it has grown in importance, and now affects major decisions at many institutions both government and corporate. Those decisions, already often terrible, will be worse because of the loss of his thoughtful and graceful participation. 


  1. "Requiescant", since it's two people.

  2. I suppose I could wish them each a separate rest, but I respect a man who insists on the fine points of Latin grammar.

  3. Codevilla wrote this excellent piece on the end of the War on Terror just a few days ago.

    I will sorely miss his gifts and perspectives, which I think have become virtually irreplaceable in this age.
