Only Courageous Officer in USMC Now in Brig

The only officer to demand accountability from senior leaders in the Marine Corps for the Afghanistan debacles is also the only officer punished, being first relieved of command and now arrested


  1. Milley was asked about that at today's hearing, and he nattered for a bit out "discipline and good order." Wouldn't address the matter of whether jail was an appropriate response to Scheller's behavior. Wouldn't address whether Scheller was a threat to his fellow Marines or was a flight risk.

    Relatedly, Austin was asked at the same hearing whether he thought a DD was an appropriate response to a soldier's refusal to get vaccinated. He nattered for a bit about lawful orders and there's a UCMJ.

    Both cowards need to go.

    Eric Hines

  2. The thing is, this is about lawful orders. The LTCOL was relieved for demanding accountability from senior leaders; in response, he moved to resign his commission in protest. He was then given a written order not to post on social media or otherwise discuss his ideas, to whit, his ideas that senior leaders should be held accountable for this tremendous failure.

    An unlawful order is said to be one that 'shocks the conscience.' A gag order issued to the only man willing to stand up and put his career on the line over what is right and what is wrong shocks the conscience. It is his duty to disobey an unlawful order.

    Putting him in the brig for this is not about good order and discipline, as we all know. It is about silencing the only voice with the courage to call for accountability for the military disaster we just witnessed.

  3. Yup, that was clear when they refused to accept his resignation.
