If you didn't already know

 Durham finally produced an indictment yesterday.  The New York Post characterizes it accurately as fresh proof that the Clinton campaign bought and paid for the Russia hoax.

I assume Durham will now try to put pressure on criminal defendant Michael Sussman, a Perkins Coie partner, to implicate others.  There will be questions of attorney-client privilege, which crumbles in the context of a criminal conspiracy.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Hopefully Sussman is adequately protected.


  2. It is the first evidence that Durham is going to do anything at all, and for that alone I am grateful. It would be fair if Sussman were worked over like Flynn (hey, are his kids involved in any way?), but I still don't like that.

    But I am only mildly encouraged. I don't pretend to see through the murk about who is playing who in these DC machinations.

  3. Apparently from the McAfee case, even filing advanced statements of your non-intention to commit suicide isn’t enough.

  4. Although it was more than a year ago, Kevin Clinesmith was Durham's first indictment. This one is his second.

    Clinesmith plead guilty to doctoring evidence in a FISA warrant application against Carter Page.


    One indictment a year isn't going to get very far, though.

  5. But I am only mildly encouraged.

    As am I. Merrick Garland is AG; I don't anticipate any prosecution.

    Eric Hines

  6. ymarsakar7:35 AM

    These are Q trip wire codes like how spies would post coded messages in the classified.

    It is quite clever actually. Even I don't know what the msg means. But this is a msg.

    It will be war and Soddom
