Great Day for this Article

"The MAGA Movement’s a Bigger Threat to America Than the Taliban"

The biggest threat to America is its own government, if you ask me. It's hard to see how this thing doesn't run off the rails, even if every MAGA voter decides to stop caring about politics and take up a hobby like basket-weaving instead. 

I suppose you could argue that it was ISIS and not the Taliban at work in today's attack, but you can't really be sure they didn't coordinate. They're different sects, and they've clashed at times, but the Taliban set their leadership free from the prison at Bagram just this month. 


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I suspect it is like those times when Hamas and Hezbollah coordinate things. A common enemy temporarily overrides mutual antagonism. For now.


  2. I'm trying to remember the last time MAGA killed 13 U.S. service members. Ever. Let alone in one day. But yeah, MAGA is pretty bad, makes people feel unsafe with the scary red caps and everything, and those flags, yeesh.

    My husband tells me he read that the State Dept. gave the Taliban lists of our Afghan helpers, in order to get the Taliban to HELP US EVACUATE THEM. I don't even have the heart to look this up and see if it's BS. I'd like to preserve the hope that it's BS. It seems strangely plausible from a leadership so determined to turn honor and common sense upside-down in every conceivable way. But people vote for them because they are the nice guys.

  3. OK, now I see Grim posted a link to that very report. I can't imagine what to say.

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