Communists Outed by Communist Purge

Current Affairs is a lefty magazine that extends even to outright Communism at times. For example, from their current edition here is an argument that you should be breaking things at work (to keep your capitalist bosses from replacing workers with machines); and here is an argument that gay marriage was secretly just a plot by the wealthy to obtain benefits for themselves (one that, along the way, celebrates the descent of American sexual culture into complete chaos). 

The magazine just fired almost all of its staff because they were trying to organize a worker's co-op.

Not a surprise for those who read the history of actual Communist states.


  1. That "gay marriage" was a "plot" is consistent with the observation that the political movement arose as AIDS/HIV proliferated. A home-maker paired to a bread-winner in a household is fairly common as an economic relationship, whether the underlying bond arises from parent-to-adult child, or siblings, or platonic roommates, happy gay/lesbians, or pervert-and-victim. But the laws and contracts about health insurance -- in the U.S., linked to employment benefits offered to the bread-winner -- privileged only the married. So, of course, simple response was to have the household couple defined into a new interpretation. "Why do you oppose that, or even care?" they asked. "How does this affect YOUR marriage?" (They never asked how adding beneficiaries into my insurance plan who had not paid in would affect my rates...) And now that the legal government definitions of marriage are dividing and destroying my church, one does wonder if the whole plot might be attributed to a diabolical plotter...

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Nope! All unions are for the Worker, the State is for the Worker, so what need is there for a union when the State is the workers' collective?

    There's nothing like reading and understanding Marx and Lenin to cure you of liking Marx and Lenin.

