Back to the drawing board


  1. Keep in mind that this person also said that Biden doesn't duck questions from reporters--he just gave a sit-down interview, didn't he?

    The delusion is throughout the White House building.

    Eric Hines

  2. "Everything is going according to plan!" is definitely not the defense anyone should be attempting right now.

  3. Managing the political fallout may have been at least partially planned for. Because that is what is important to them. As I have mentioned many times, the events outside of DC and a few other places in American cities are not real to these people. the only reality is how these counters play out in terms of who has power in DC. The only food they care about is in Washington.

    It is Screwtape Letters come to life, worse every year. My fear is that we conservatives only support different demons there.

  4. Because the only food we care about is . . . what?
