Anarchy in the NC

We’re expecting massive rainfall today. VFD is preemptively patrolling the backroads looking for fallen trees (of which there have been several). The only actual call for a fallen tree blocking a road so far, though, was addressed by local citizens without intervention. By the time we got there they’d already cut it up and moved it out of the road. 

Government can be useful but it can also derail citizen virtue. Left to their own, people get it right more often than not. 


  1. raven7:41 PM

    Standard practice around here after a windstorm- put the saw in the truck and some chain and get rid of the windfalls. The county does a decent job, it's just that the volume is too great to wait. Plus firewood! The worst I remember was a heavy snow, followed by a wet, warm ,windy spell-due to the saturated ground, tree's were laying around like matchsticks.

  2. A great example of citizen virtue:
