White adjacency

Did you ever imagine, in your youth, that a term like "white adjacency" would be taken seriously and treated respectfully?  I still don't know what it means, other than some reasonable level of socioeconomic success, though I suspect at root it means high IQ.  That's a weird, weird idea to push:  "What's wrong with the world is that things work out better 'systemically' for people who tend to be able to make a good living by some means or another, including intelligence. We really need to find a way to penalize them."


  1. You're too logical, Tex.

    When a Leftist, i.e. Democrat, says 'white adjacent' that means a specific racial minority group doesn't follow the CRT narrative of disadvantage relative to whites in some situations but they want to preserve the ability to claim they do in others.

    Various Asian subgroups are a classic example. They are 'white adjacent' when they are overrepresented at the top of SAT scoring but victims of white supremacy when they are randomly attacked on the street .... by blacks.

  2. White adjacency--does that mean that if I get a good tan--fairly easy to do in Texas--I would be beside myself?

    What's wrong with the world is that things work out better 'systemically' for people who tend to be able to make a good living by some means or another, including intelligence. We really need to find a way to penalize them.

    Because equal opportunity stinks? Because it's wrong for a man to be able to show the best that there is in him?

    Or is it because everyone is entitled [sic] to milk and honey and wealth just because he exists? If that's the case, and since there aren't enough resources to go around, even were we able to...equitably...distribute their output, then we'd have to carry out Progressive-Democrats' dream of rationing--which would result in culling the human herd. Which would be the ultimate penalty.

    Eric Hines

  3. “Adjacent” has been a code word for years now. It means, “I can’t prove that you’re the thing I want to tar you with because there is overwhelming evidence that you are not, but I’m going to do it anyway.”

  4. I think in junior high some people used the terms apples, bananas, and Oreos. You know, red/yellow/black on the outside, white on the inside. Pretty offensive stuff, I think.

    White adjacent is just a PhD word for those jr. high terms.

    For them, it has nothing to do with IQ or merit. I think it's their way to account for varying levels of success without considering those things at all.

    Or is it because everyone is entitled [sic] to milk and honey and wealth just because he exists?

    Oh no, not that. I mean, everyone does deserve that, except the bourgeoisie -- I mean, white people -- who are hogging it all for themselves and keeping the proletariat -- I mean, BIPOC -- keeping the BIPOC down. And white adjacent people are really going out on a limb, if you know what I mean, sitting next to the bourgeoisie -- I mean, white people.

    It's like Marx took over a junior high clique. But then, that's kinda how the Red Guards started out at Tsinghua University Middle School.
