What is a “Pudding”?

Americans have a very different answer than the British, who almost can’t answer at all. My favorite British puddings are savory: black pudding, for example, is made with blood and oatmeal. It is often served as a breakfast food. 


  1. Sounds delicious. I love a filipino dish called dinuguan, which is pork stewed in blood. Filipinos are always surprised when any non-filipino likes it.

  2. Maybe the best food I ever ate was in the Philippines, although I didn't have that. They have an amazing combination of the best of Spanish cooking, Chinese (which is quite varied and includes many different cuisines, some of which are good and some rather bland) Southeast Asian influences, and fresh seafood (and I don't usually even like seafood). Truly amazing stuff.

    I don't try to replicate it, though; I almost never do any sort of Asian cooking, and so I don't know how to get those spice notes right. I do quite a lot of Mexican cooking that has similar Spanish influences. We don't have fresh seafood in the mountains, and maybe that's a key element.
