Holes in the Dam

The Arizona Senate's audit of the November election in one suspicious county had a preliminary findings report today. There's a lot more to come, but this post summarizes the topline initial findings.

The big number there, 74,243, may be all or in part a clerical error as it comes from comparing a list of ballots sent out to a list of ballots received (as opposed to an actual count). At minimum, it shows incredible sloppiness about whether or not ballots were authentic; more likely, a complete lack of concern about whether the ballots were legitimate. Nobody even cared to check to see if the numbers lined up, or even if they were close.

The 11,326 is really interesting, as they were added to the voter rolls after the election but show as having voted in the election. That's more than enough to have swung the election right there. 

For those of you who watch Tucker, he had some news out of Georgia last night too. They haven't even begun a forensic audit yet, but it's clear that they need one. 
On Wednesday’s edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Carlson highlighted proven instances of voter fraud—such as duplicate ballots and falsified vote tally sheets—that granted thousands more votes to President Joe Biden as well as other suspicious and illegal activities.

Carlson also explored an unsolved May break-in at a Fulton County election warehouse, where both private security guards and local law enforcement had been stationed to protect.

“Depending on who you ask, the building contains evidence that either confirms or refutes the claim that voter fraud affected the outcome of the 2020 election in the state of Georgia,” he said.

The warehouse contained more than 140,000 absentee ballots, which have not been examined because “Fulton County officials have refused to let the public see any of these ballots.”

Biden supposedly won Georgia by about 13,000 votes, according to the official tally.

To enter the facility, a burglar would have to move past a “locked, 100lb steel door” and “a maze of motion detectors.”

Someone entered the building “twenty minutes after the deputies in charge of guarding the warehouse left their posts.”

The deputies returned to find an alarm sounding and the 100lb door opened.
Joe Biden himself flew to Pennsylvania this week to beg us, in the name of common decency, not to allow an audit in that state. It's easy to see why. Trump was leading in Pennsylvania on election night by over six hundred thousand votes. He was only ahead in Georgia and Arizona by a little over one hundred thousand. If these margins were overcome by cheating, they needed to cheat a lot harder in Pennsylvania. 

UPDATE:  I warned you that the Georgia Secretary of State was staging up for this play. "Fire those two guys and give us more resources, and everything will be fine." 

No. You, dude, need to be fired too. There needs to be a root and branch audit and a cleansing of the whole structure. You don't get away with claiming this was just a couple of bad apples. It wasn't a set of mistakes or bad decisions. It was intentional fraud, which it was your duty to prevent. You either failed or betrayed that duty. 

UPDATE: "What is this all about?" asks RedState.
There is no mechanism by which Donald Trump could be reinstated as POTUS in the event of proof of massive fraud. While there are many conservatives that hold on to this hope, it is little more than that…hope. Still, the audits are perfectly reasonable and even necessary if the American people are ever expected to move on from this and trust future election results. To avoid the chaos that is currently tearing our nation apart, it only makes sense to make every effort to bring transparency into the elections process.

In an Arizona Senate hearing on the audits, Senator Karen Fann gave an excellent and reasonable explanation as to why these audits matter, and in fact why they are absolutely imperative. Listening to her reasoning, it is hard to imagine anyone taking issue with a process that allows voters to peek at the integrity – or lack thereof – of their own election process.

Fann says these audits aren’t about Trump, they are about transparency and restoring faith in the election process for the American people. She reminded the detractors that “voters are constituents” and they have expressed fear and reservations about vote-counting in their state. As representatives of their constituents, it is literally the state senate’s job to respond to those questions and provide answers, if that is what the people desire. The Senate has the responsibility to ease those fears by proving them wrong or by proving them right and passing laws to prevent such a thing from ever happening again.

It’s hardly radical, but to hear the Democrats tell it, it’s equivalent to a Hitlerian coup.


  1. Trump! is the constant refrain from the people who are protesting any kind of 2020 election audit. But that is not the point of the audit. Very few people actually think that Trump can rightfully be restored to the Presidency, as there is no constitutional way to accomplish it (they are misinformed or delusional, in other words).

    What audit results can do, however, is to effect a massive change in public sentiment. That is why the Democrats are terrified, and rightfully so, I beleive. It's an audit; The efforts are bi-partisan and based on previously agreed bipartisan criteria of election integrity. Tell us about the discrepancies that cannot be resolved, and we'll take it from there.

    Deep down I think quite a few feel a sense of foreboding about how bad the discoveries might be.

  2. Very few people actually think that Trump can rightfully be restored to the Presidency, as there is no constitutional way to accomplish it (they are misinformed or delusional, in other words).

    That is true, and a point I've made here as well. Yet there is a counterargument: There is also no constitutional way to accomplish quite a number of things that the government actually does. The EPA was established by executive order, and yet it functions even without any constitutional warrant. The 10th Amendment bars most of what the Federal government actually does, but it is simply ignored. Presumably the mere silence of the Constitution is not stronger than its explicit prohibition of a practice, but e.g. the right to keep and bear arms is regularly infringed, and Congress does make laws respecting freedom of speech and establishments of religion.

    If the Supreme Court were to hear a future case based on these audits, and order that President Trump be re-instated, that would not be more outrageous than presuming to order every state government to re-define marriage to include homosexual couples. But that was done, too.

    The reason it won't happen is that the whole of the Establishment is against it, not (sadly) because the Constitution has no mechanism for it.

  3. If the positions were reversed and it was Trump who cheated Biden, they'd find a way to make Trump step down and Biden be installed as President, sure as night follows day. But the revelations themselves, if they are backed by enough evidence, are enough as far as I'm concerned. It should soil the Democrat name for some time for many, as Nixon did to Republicans, and that over something far less substantial.

  4. ymarsakar11:39 PM

    Thus why I have to Burn it ALl Down, this establishment that Americans refuse to kill, the traitors that they refuse to kill.

    God has to come down here and clean up the trash personally, because obviously humanity is too lazy to do so.
