Get 'em while you can

It probably will put you on a terrorist watch list, but if you still want to own a Lego U.S. Capitol set, better hurry. Amazon claims the manufacturer has discontinued the item, and the price just hit the roof like it was a Dr. Seuss book.


  1. Somehow I've managed to survive without any Legos since I was about 12. I think I can continue this streak.

  2. This is the stupidest Reichstag Fire event ever, I believe.

  3. They don't seem to have a sense of how ridiculous they look. But I can easily imagine LEGO's leadership panicking. Actually, I'm surprised they didn't discontinue the White House set while they were at it.

  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    No thanks. I've got the huge Voltron lions set that someday I need to start working on. First you make five lions. Then you combined them into one very large robot.

    Very large robot. That I have no space to display unless I get rid of a lot of . . . books.


  5. Totally NOT Tom -- Really!5:33 PM

    Well, obviously, you're not supposed to keep it for display! Clearly it was intended to be a weapon of mass insurrection! Just build it and let it get to work while you enjoy your books.

  6. Anonymous5:59 PM

    LIVE: Trump Speaks At CPAC

    Watch this and you will put you on a terrorist watch list.


  7. One more bit of evidence in the continuing series of such revelations, if we needed any more evidence: the first reports of a "fully assembled" model were false. The kit was still in the box.

    Frankly I'd say that the patient and attention to detail required to assemble such a model would indicate a more competently dangerous personality than does the impulse to buy, to hold, but NOT assemble the complexities. The guy who reloads his own ammo is similarly more likely to be competent, and capable of effective action, than the guy who rarely, but sometimes, adds a box of shells to the basket while wandering around the aisle at WalMart.
