
The hell you say.
The government has documented at least 12 confidential informants who assisted the sprawling investigation. [Note: there are only six accused plotters.--Grim] The trove of evidence they helped gather provides an unprecedented view into American extremism, laying out in often stunning detail the ways that anti-government groups network with each other and, in some cases, discuss violent actions.

An examination of the case by BuzzFeed News also reveals that some of those informants, acting under the direction of the FBI, played a far larger role than has previously been reported. Working in secret, they did more than just passively observe and report on the actions of the suspects. Instead, they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception. The extent of their involvement raises questions as to whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them.
We've all seen the "alleged evil right-wing plot turns out to have been invention of FBI/ATF" movie before. If we're at the point that they've infiltrated these organizations thoroughly enough to have two informants on the payroll for every defendant, we can surely declare victory on Joe Biden's "Strategy to Counter Domestic Terrorism" and go home. We're in more need to counter the Federal police, who are apparently out there creating violent plots all the time. 


  1. Unfortunately, we don't seem to have informants within the federal police to tell the Americans about their plots.

  2. ymarsakar11:32 AM

    I just remembered two direct challenges I received here, as to my integrity and ability to fulfill my promises. Just checking, but is the challenge to show some proof that humans are slaves or Americans are slaves still valid?

    What about the dead bodies piled like cordwood up to the moon?

    Just checking, since me and God has to plan the next plot for 2021 season finale. 2020 kind of ended on a Donald cliff hanger, although not my fault. He and his military refused to pull the trigger, I had everything set up for him too, including White House and DC surround.

    I forgot exactly who wrote these challenges and perhaps they weren't really serious at the time.

    1: There is no proof that humans in America are slaves.

    Ymar: watch this *spins it up*

    just random stuff I tend to remember today.

  3. ymarsakar11:35 AM

    "If we're at the point that they've infiltrated these organizations thoroughly enough to have two informants on the payroll for every defendant, we can surely declare victory on Joe Biden's "Strategy to Counter Domestic Terrorism" and go home. We're in more need to counter the Federal police, who are apparently out there creating violent plots all the time. "

    I warned America about Waco 1 and Waco 2.

    Why did people approve of the slaughter or at least ignored it and looked the other way?

    Your inactions and actions, gave permission for all this. Call it karma. Or call it the boiling frog. Shrugs.

  4. In the Dallas Texas "undernews" there are rumors that the FBI paid ballot-harvesting teams to sustain the incumbency of two city council members involved in bribery. The narrative (perhaps false, let's be upfront about it) runs that federal money for low-income housing developments was being paid to chiselers who used that money to put up substandard buildings and/next to better and more profitable developments. A condition of federal payment was approval by the city, and an ethics rule in Dallas forbids a council member from voting on a project in his own district. (Weird, but that's the rule.) So a log-rolling mutual back scratching deal was usual, "You recuse, I vote for your project, then I recuse and you vote for mine." Developer bribes both council persons. Plausible. (And certain former council persons have recently been convicted of offenses of the sort. ) But the undernews has it that the corrupt officials faced serious political challenges to unseat them, and the Federal Investigators interfered with the election, keeping the corrupt in position to continue taking bribes, while the case and evidence was built against the developer. And of course after getting the politicians convicted, the Feds "squeezed" them to testify against those paying the bribes...

    If the normal political democratic electoral process had run its course, the city would have had (perhaps) more honest governance and perhaps more suitable housing development and better-built buildings.

    One does wonder whether "busting high profile crooks" or "using federal funds wisely" or even "running a city well" is the priority.

  5. Paraphrasing, all organizations are formed from two groups of people. One group of people is committed to accomplishing the mission of the organization. The second group is committed to sustaining the existence of the organization. Eventually the second group will drive out the first and take over the organization.
