Don't worry, V.P. Harris is safe

This seems like a high positive COVID test rate for a bunch of vaccinated public serpents, even if they were crowded in a private jet without masks, while fleeing to the nation's capitol to break a Texas quorum and get photo ops with Kamala Harris. The Texas House Dems can't very well admit they weren't vaccinated, so I have to assume they took one of those tests with a zillion replications that is almost guaranteed to produce false positives. I'm not getting the point of the exercise, though. To cast doubt on the efficacy of vaccinations? On their own claim to have been vaccinated? To irritate the VP's staff by admitting that they put her at risk, or force her to argue that vaccinated people don't have to wear masks, or needn't quarantine? Why get tested in the first place? If there's no political capital to be made from the whole exercise, I suppose we have to chalk it up to idiocy, no great leap. I guess they could be hoping they'll all be quarantined in D.C. for a few weeks, but the special session in Austin will last until August 31.


  1. No reason to believe otherwise. There's no need to go to Walter Reed, or any other fancy hospital to get a Wuhan Virus test.

    Eric Hines

  2. I wouldn't attribute much thinking or strategy to these people at all. They get an idea in their heads: "Let's break the quorum to prevent the vote by going to DC!" and do not think of any other possible angles. All smiles and gestures while maskless and tightly together in the plane, unable to think through how they are coming across.

    They get sloppy in their thinking because they are largely protected by a media which buries their mistakes.

  3. 2 more positive tests announced today.

  4. That sure seems like a lot of breakthrough cases for a small group of supposedly vaccinated people.

  5. They get sloppy in their thinking because they are largely protected by a media which buries their mistakes.

    Yes, and which holds them up as virtuous crusaders against what the media relentlessly calls "voter suppression." It's all on-my-side/against-your-side propaganda now, which cuts against thought as well.

    A thoughtful person might notice that a bad actor can suppress your vote just as well by adding an extra fake vote that contradicts you as he could by stopping you from casting your ballot. And while he can only stop you from casting your ballot once, in principle there is no limit to the number of fake votes he could add. He could suppress your vote that way thousands of times.

    Protecting the power of the vote requires both efforts to ensure ballot access and also efforts to prevent fake votes from being counted. If that were the real concern, you'd be strident about doing both.

  6. @Eric, yeah, it's mostly point and laugh, especially since the Texas flee-baggers were so public about congregating in that plane without masks. Also Harris's office vacillating between keeping up variant terrorism or admitting that a vaccinated person is reasonably protected, while channeling Kevin Bacon from Animal House.

  7. If I had any faith that Republicans weren't completely inept, I would wonder if some subversive, mischief-making conservative lab rat had pushed the test cycles into the hundreds to get a forced 'positive' on the tests. But alas, they seem to be too naive to do the things that the other side considers routine politics.
