Dominique, notre père, combattit les albigeois

Were any of you Singing Nun fans?  That line in an otherwise cheerful ditty always made me think of Albigensians locked up in a church and burned.

À l'époque où Jean Sans Terre
D'angleterre était le roi
Dominique, notre père, combattit les albigeois


  1. Why do I keep picturing Sally Field?

    Brilliant send up, BTW. I'm stealing it.

    Cousin Eddie

  2. I'm always delighted when a French expression is so readily readable. But of course, this one is old; it's contemporary turns of phrase and idioms that I usually can't quite make out.

  3. I keep seeing "Dominque" in my Youtube feed, so I assume that is what happened to you as well. I never bothered with the translation or the reference at the time. Good times.

    @ Narr - "Flying Nun." It seems a natural association, especially as the TV show was likely influenced by the popularity of nuns in popular music, of all things.

  4. I know-- for persons of a certain age, it's inescapable.

    Cousin Eddie

  5. I can just barely remember "The Flying Nun," with Sally Field as Sister Bertrille, and even better a satire from somewhere--probably Mad Magazine?--about "Sister Brazil, the Flying Nut."

    I still have a copy of the "Soeur Sourire" album and listen to it often.

  6. It was still in syndication on UHF when I was young. Along with Star Trek and Petticoat Junction, which are of the same era.

  7. I think you can catch it on 'Me' TV. Channel that shows all the oldies going back to the 50's.

  8. Speaking for myself, there are few--at the moment I can't think of any--old TV shows I would care to watch again. BBC America is running Star Trek TNG and DS9 all the time--did I actually watch that stuff? (Yes, yes I did, time I'll never get back.)

    Speaking of the BBC, they just did a story about the return of Turkey to the Eurovision Song contest (praise Allah!) Is there anything more ridiculous than European pop music?

    Cousin Eddie

  9. Anonymous2:05 PM

    No, no, no, no, NO. Singing Nuns are Good.
    Please discard the image of Burning nuns,,,,,,

    Hildegard of Bingen, Spiritus Sanctus

    Gregorian Chant Songs by Nuns of St. Cecilia's Abbey
    Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles


  10. Speaking for myself, there are few--at the moment I can't think of any--old TV shows I would care to watch again.

    Some years ago I watched the TV show "Maverick" when it was available for free online. I remember being surprised at how good it was. That's not universal for '50s Western television, of course.
