We are Not Amused

This Arizona business is getting interesting. When the state governments turn against the Feds, well, in our system they're more properly the sovereign ones. That is why the general police power resides with the states, not the Federal government.

As the gentleman points out, the US Constitution's supremacy clause doesn't change the fact that the Constitution includes the 10th Amendment. If -- as reported -- they have in fact discovered massive fraud, the state has every right to hold people accountable.

UPDATE: The Arizona Rangers have volunteered $250,000 in security service to protect the audit. 


  1. I read a round up of ballot protection measures being debated or enacted across the country at Ace's place, and saw that New Hampshire(!) has a bill pending (IIRC) that would attempt to nullify HR1/SR1 if they pass the US Congress.

  2. I have learned to be wary of ANYTHING that appears in the news.

    It seems to me often the case that a kernel of truth is prematurely reported to have sprouted like a Dragon's Tooth, into realms of fantasy.
    When the fantasy is later revealed/exposed/cast aside; the green stalks of valuable reality are ignored, neglected, choked out, and never develop to be fruitfully harvested. The early report claims "IF true, THEN miracles." And if pigs have, as reported, grown wings, they'll be regarded -- experts predict -- as demons. But if some pigs have, in fact and as journalists fail to make clear, been detected with a DNA variant making them susceptible to bird-flu that also infect humans, then we may rationally decide to "exorcise" pigs from our food supply. Let's wait and see.

  3. I am trying to be wary of that danger, JM. This is, however, a significant move by an actual public official -- and a volunteer effort by a large number of sworn police officers. This is one of the things we'd have been 'waiting to see' if there were a serious crisis.

  4. It's kinda interesting that in one of Kurt Schlichter's novels, IIRC, the next Civil War is sparked by a stand-off between Texas Rangers and federal agents that turns violent. Or something like that; it's been a few years since I read it.

  5. There are a number of States with whose election audits, in progress or proposed, AG Garland has threatened to interfere.

    It'll get interesting if other States' Rangers and Ranger-equivalents step up. Most States also have State Guards who are subordinate to the States' governors and cannot be Federalized.

    Eric Hines

  6. Here is a description of the process in AZ, which I hope is accurate. If so they’re taking this very seriously.

