Update on Communion

Apparently some bishops are still Catholics.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops overwhelmingly voted, 168-55, to draft a document that they hope will prevent President Biden and other Catholic politicians from receiving Communion if they advocate for abortion rights, the Associated Press reports.

Why it matters: Biden is the United States' second Catholic president and the country's most religiously observant leader since Jimmy Carter, per the New York Times. Enforcing the rule to deny Communion would be up to individual bishops.

Doubtless President Biden will find a bishop who is willing to grant him communion. Perhaps there is even one who will assure him that he is not in a state of mortal sin, such as that he should first confess (see 1385ff). Yet it must be telling that so large a majority was willing to embarrass a nominally Catholic President.

Speaking of abortion, the Southern Baptists voted to call for the outright abolition of the practice. One of my Baptists cousins told me that, only what she said was, "The Southern Baptists voted for abolition!"

"Aren't they about a hundred and fifty years late?" I answered in honest confusion. 

She's a good Christian. She'll probably forgive me someday.


  1. On the ground out here, the pro-life movement has increasingly called itself a new abolition movement. Sometimes I see their stylized "AA" bumper stickers standing for "Abolish Abortion".

    It could be some young folk don't understand the reference, although I know the leaders are specifically referring back to abolishing slavery.

  2. Not to get all religious, but do Baptists believe in forgiveness? Asking for a friend ...

    Of course, a lot of people were surprised to find out the Pope is Catholic. That seems to be a perennial shock to some.

  3. Not to get all religious, but do Baptists believe in forgiveness? Asking for a friend ...

    “I forgive you, Sir Knight," said Rowena, "as a Christian."

    "That means," said Wamba, "that she does not forgive him at all.

    -Sir Walter Scott, Ivanhoe

  4. Funny! I'll have to read that some day.

    Over on Ricochet: Breaking: The Pope Is Catholic

    Nothing new, just interesting that it was the first post I saw there after reading yours. He does include (and address) some people's ignorant / angry criticisms of the Catholic Church, which I found interesting.

  5. Funny, I recall the better newspapers telling me how important being a Southern Baptist was to Bill Clinton while he was president. And I believe Bush 43 would be considered observant. Do they mean nothing more than "Goes to church?"

    Tom, I'm not sure why you'd single out Baptists for that. (I am not one.)

  6. AVI, just trying to be funny. No offense was intended.

  7. I first read Ivanhoe in China, because the only books in English they’d allow were classics that were too old to contain counterrevolutionary content. This turned out to be a great gift. I read many great books there, including Moby Dick. But Scott’s romance was my favorite.

  8. To its shame, back in the mid 70's the SBC supported abortion in some cases. It wasn't on most people's radar.
    Opposition started becoming significant shortly after 1976.

  9. AVI, looking at your question again, specifically "why you'd single out Baptists for that," the specific answer is that Grim brought Baptists into it. If his friend had been a Presbyterian, I would have run with that.

  10. The Cardinal Archbishop of D.C. will certainly ignore any Roman Catholic canon law (915, e.g.) pertaining to Biden. He has up to now, ain'a?

    So would the Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago, and there are others.

    This is not unusual. What makes it interesting is the times we are in, with all that filthy 'populism' going around like some sort of Chinese Flu.
