The Power of HR

This begins as a long meditation on the rise of Communism and strategies for surviving it. It ends, shockingly, with the danger of Human Resources as a mode of human organization.

The abrupt ascendancy of HR as the central organizing power of society extends far beyond literature, of course. It has certainly overtaken philosophy, the academic discipline I know best. In the middle ages philosophy was said to be the “handmaiden” [ancillaris] of theology; in the modern period it became the handmaiden of science. Today philosophy is in many respects an ancillary of human resources (as here, for example).

In literature as in philosophy, we may at least comfort ourselves with the enduring existence of the treasures of the past, to which at least for the moment our information technologies continue to provide us access.

For the moment they do. Some of us still own libraries. If you don't, well, most public libraries sell older books that "nobody wants" anymore. I imagine you'll find the classics for cheap if you drop by. 


  1. It's true, what he says about the concept of HR. We used to call them 'Human Remains'. Modern corporations have granted almost unlimited license to the functions of HR and Finance/Accounting, both of which historically were ancillary functions in service to management teams. Now they permeate the top executive levels, with unfettered access to policy and decision-making. It's a terrible idea from a governance standpoint but most egregiously, from a business standpoint it spells disaster for initiatives that can recognize business opportunity. It's like being condemned to function at a low-normal level of mediocrity.

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    In the modern Corporate structure, HR has assumed the role of what was the "Political Commissar" in the old Soviet Military. And, in addition to seeking recruits with necessary skills -- often secondary to other more important considerations like diversity -- they screen for "right thinking" people who will fit in to their vision of the corporate culture.

    When they are not busy doing this, they occupy themselves creating socially relevant activities, like helping "Habitat for Humanity," or other charitable efforts to promote various progressive agendas. And, recently, endless Zoom calls promoting every aspect of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Thousands of man hours down the tubes. They run these efforts like camp counselors. And if you don't comply, you will be sent to the "Harmony Hut" for an attitude adjustment!

    HR's job has become virtue signaling on behalf of top management, and to exercise spiritual, emotional, and intellectual control over the org chart.

