Tears in Rain

I never once saw my father cry: not the day my son was born, not the day he died, not even the day when he realized he was going to die. Not one time, come what may, did he ever cry in front of me. 

The world is different now, for better or for worse. 


  1. Fathers mostly cry in private, although I've seen my father cry tears of sorrow when his first wife, my mother, died of cancer. And he cried when he found out his second wife had cancer, also.

    25 years first wife. 30 years second wife.

  2. My mother outlived my father. Perhaps that was what would have done it; but I'm glad that he didn't have to see a thing that would make him cry.

    I'm not of the same stuff. Big tough bearded biker, but I cried the day he died even if he didn't, and the day my son was born, and on several other days. When I put my dog down. For some reason I just thought of it; he never did once that I ever saw.

    "He is Conan: Cimmerian. He won't cry, so I cry for him."

    1. I cried the day I gave my oldest daughter away in marriage. I have cried several other times. I'm a bearded mountain man. But there is a sensitive soul in all of us.

  3. I find that I am sentimental since age 60 and cry more easily about kids singing in church, my brother saying things that reinforce that he threw his life away, injustices against innocents. I just try to be quiet about it, but I'm not bothered anymore.

  4. My father (DFC & AMw/7olc) died in 1962 at the age of 39. I was 9+ but I can't think of a time I saw him cry; I cried for my mother when my useless older brother died (2004), and for myself when my younger brother died (2010);
    I had no tears left in 2018 when my mother departed--that was liberation for her, me, and my youngest and last remaining brother.

    Cousin Eddie

  5. This has turned into a worthy discussion. I'm not sorry that I brought it up.

  6. I don't think I've ever seen my father cry either. Maybe a misty eye a time or two, like putting dogs down, but that's about it.

    It is interesting now that you make me think of it.
