Some Useful Outlets on the Right

A general problem facing people on the right who are concerned about the direction of the nation is that most of the power in media lies with their opponents. Even on the right, there is a sharp division; older once-powerful publications like National Review are not as vibrant as once. They still manage sharp criticisms, but their positive program is limited. Thus, I would like to lay out a few places where I think vibrant thought on the right is still occurring. 

One of the best publications working today is The American Mind, which is a production of the Claremont Institute. They have a major section they call "Salvos: The Counterrevolution," which includes important articles on the subject from some dynamic thinkers on the right. Their "Memos" are more diffuse, but touch on numerous important topics. In the other direction, their "Features" include larger-scale projects on different topics of importance. I'm particularly interested in the "Redrawing the Lines" feature, begun by Michael Anton but now including a number of essays on the subject of how America could be improved -- and peacefully -- by a process of re-drawing how states and localities work. I think they may be the best thing going for presenting a positive program of reform.

Human Events was once Reagan's favorite journal of conservative opinion. It has since ceased to publish a print edition, and changed hands a few times. The current leadership is young, daring, and willing to entertain ideas that are both radical and yet aimed at the best in the American tradition. They also have an aggressive editorial staff and process, which aims at ensuring quality of published pieces. That's unusual these days by itself. 

American Greatness is more Trumpist (although VDH publishes there, providing some overlap with NR), but definitely worth following. Julie Kelly (mentioned below) is a voice worthy of attention. She is perhaps the only person who seems committed to fighting for the rights of those arrested regarding the January 6th incursion, initially a dubious proposition made worthy by the inexcusable government behavior in those cases. 

I imagine the field has shifted from publications like these to podcasts, but as you all are aware, I hate podcasts. Useful suggestions welcome in the comments. 

UPDATE: The Federalist is a good place too, more news oriented than the others but still analytical.


  1. I'll be a bit pedantic to note that Victor Davis Hanson is syndicating his columns to NR. He's not on staff there. He's also publishing at in addition to other outlets (Jewish World Review, et al)

  2. Anonymous10:30 PM

    National Review is a joke. Their planned opposition. aka FAKE CONSERVATIVES
    the News paper of record for the "More War" Neocon party..... Let them die!

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    How about

    Grim, Your conservative sites are lacking... What exactly are they trying to conserve?


  3. Most of those I've never heard of, but the Epoch Times is a real outlet. Gateway Pundit is uneven. Georgia Star is doing good work on the audit efforts in Georgia, but they're otherwise unfamiliar to me.

    As for what conservatives are trying to conserve, that's a good question. I don't consider myself a conservative anymore for just that reason. There's nothing left to conserve; we need a new way forward. Perhaps a restoration; perhaps something different. It's one of the questions that makes what The American Mind is doing more interesting than the others.

  4. Anonymous11:50 PM

    and one more thing.......

    National Review has Kevin Williamson of
    National Review: Die, White Working Class

    National Review is simply not conservative,,,, and not pro-American either.

    The best thing that could happen to National review is if they self deport to Israel.


  5. Anonymous8:38 AM

    The Federalist? Yuck.

    The Federalist is run by surrender monkeys as they were forced to give up their comment section and complied with little resistance. Why would you want to read current events from surrender monkeys? They want to shut down comments. They do not deserve patronage.

    Who remembers Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Harvard Address? What did he say about Americans virtue of Courage?

    Here, If you don't remember, then read it again until its etched in your mind.
    It is as true in 1978 as it is today.

    Can anyone tell me what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s solution was to a lack of courage?

    Hint, On Feb 12, 1974 he wrote "LIVE NOT BY LIES" where he outlined how to fight. Read about it here.


  6. Thanks for the resources, Grim.

  7. You're welcome, Elise.

  8. Increasingly I am being more selective about who I read. Don't watch TV, left the LMSM a long time ago, now I'm even skeptical of the 'conservative' press, because they mostly ain't, and even worse, as Grim notes conservatism is a bit passé anyway.

    Now I just watched a great discussion between Glenn Loury, Brown University Economist, and Charles Murray, Social Scientist, regarding his new book (Facing Reality). I thought it was a very good 70 minutes.

  9. Good list. I'm a fan of the Federalist. Good thinking by a wide variety of writers on topics I'm interested in.

  10. I'm curious, Grim, why you dislike podcasts so. Do you also not like talk radio, or live discussions or seminars? How are these so different? Active conversation can trigger realizations, or bring together ideas, that reading and writing cannot.

  11. It is simple enough: I can read and digest in five minutes what may take an hour and a half to have the podcast get around to laying out. If they just wrote it down I'd be glad to read it, but I don't have the time to waste on people working their ideas out in voice. It just takes too long.

    I do have time for live conversations with friends I take seriously. That's a different animal. It may take too long -- the best ones you don't notice how long it goes on -- but the exchange of ideas from you to me and me to you is not like the passive experience of a podcast. It's engaging, and a way of building friendship.

  12. True enough, and I agree with the time issue- which is why I usually hate videos, when I could read it ten times faster. I'm betting you spend far less time in a car than I do- podcasts are good in the car, and it's also a way for me to propagandize my kids a little while they're a captive audience, so for me they have a place.
