Some Remarks on Hillbillies

From someone named Robert Weissberg:

At the core of this elitist fear of Hillbillies (aka Po White, Rednecks, or Trailer Park Trash) is the elite’s realization that these denizens of rural America enjoy an almost genetic immunity to today’s race-based, politically correct narrative. Yes, the Dukes of Hazzard County folk may not be the brightest bulbs in the chandelier or especially well-informed politically, but when they hear mendacious anti-American lies, they may as well be rocket scientists. They admire America for what it is, not according to some bizarre ideology cooked up in a faculty lounge. Unlike timid elected officials, these people are not afraid of expressing “offensive’ views....

Hillbillies refuse to be placated by the elite’s permission to run wild and grab free stuff. No member of the White Trash Community will have their political grievances satisfied by looting Farm and Fleet or upsetting tables at a Cracker Barrel.

The Hillbilly Community is not easily bought off with elite-supplied goodies such as overpaid jobs as professors of Appalachian Studies or campus directors of outreach dedicated to targeting underserved rural populations. Nor are they willing to sacrifice personal freedom (and self-respect) to qualify as affirmative action hires. Chuck Yaeger would never have enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Forces if they lowered standards to fill diversity quotas.

I don't know who this guy is, but he should talk to Joe Bob Briggs. He's got a whole speech about this. Here's a sample.

I'd add that the gun-owning community, which overlaps somewhat with the community under discussion here (though far from perfectly) has responded to recent events not by looting but by purchasing ammunition. We're two years out on backorders right now; old manufacturing lines are being reopened to satisfy demand.

On old guns too: I hear Marlin Firearms lever actions may be available again soon. 


  1. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "Hillbillies" are essentially the Scots-Irish who settled Appalachia and the Southeast, and the cultural derivatives thereof. Southwest of the mountains, in the piney forests and fields of south Georgia, Alabama, and Florida, they might be known as "Crackers." Generally, this demographic, in which I proudly claim membership, is the antithesis of left wing big Government. Their temperament, geography, culture, and history make them a threat to totalitarianism. Thus, hillbillies are derided and marginalized and dehumanized in much the same way and for the same reasons that Goebbels invented the Polish joke. Hillbillies are Hillary's "deplorables." Because Hillbillies would stand between her and absolute power.

    One person who pretty much nailed the zeitgeist was Senator James Webb, Navy Cross, Silver Star, Purple Heart, Vietnam, and one of the very few remaining tolerable Democrats. He wrote a book, "Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America." Worth checking out.


  2. Jim Webb is well known around here, as is the late Zell Miller of the Great State of Georgia. I am also an Appalachian of that branch of American heritage. My folk were in Tennessee before it was a state, and before the Revolution. More Scots (Duncan) than Scotch-Irish, but plenty of those too.

  3. raven9:30 PM

    Us small town yankee's are not much on big brother either. Life in Northern New England was hard enough without meddlers.

  4. Eh hem,... the proper name is "Mountain William".
    Hillbilly is just a nickname.
    Jus', yanno, sayin'.
