Quad Charts are Fun



  1. I'm guessing this is within the Anglican Communion, particularly the US/Canadian Episcopal churches.

    Also: "Belief that bothering Presbyterians is a fruit of the spirit" - :-D

    That's great.

  2. I assume that you're right because of the reference to Charles I.

  3. Bishop Spong is a big dividing line in the US Episcopal church because he denied that Jesus was God incarnate, the virgin birth, resurrection, etc., and was allowed to keep his job through it all (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Shelby_Spong).

    There are also all the references to prayer books, since the Book of Common Prayer is important in Anglicanism.

  4. That's got to be right. I'd never heard of him, but the joke is still pretty funny even if you're not an Anglican.

  5. Yeah, it's funny. But it was worth it to me just for that one line, "Belief that bothering Presbyterians is a fruit of the spirit".

    There's some potential there, I think.

  6. If I may say so as an Episcopalian, the red, blue, and green quadrants ring hilariously true, but I can't recognize myself in the yellow, which is where I'd expect to be . . . ? I'd say more, "I agree with everything I'd imagine a conservative Pope to believe, except his authority to tell me what to think." Maybe all hail C. S. Lewis?
