
The CDC is admitting there's an issue with the vaccine, at least for young men.

Lots of rumors are circulating about this stuff, which I hope are untrue. This is, however, why we we wait for a full Phase 3 trial before we approve a new vaccine for widespread distribution. Hopefully these things are going to be great and will have no bad long-term effects, or ones that are super-manageable (as treatment with ibuprofen would indicate). 

Hopefully, but not definitely. I wouldn't give any vaccines to anyone young at this time. The idea that we're going to start a Phase 2/3 trial for children is hugely alarming to me. I would never give a child an untested vaccine. The old can run their hazards as they choose, but children are likely to live to be 80 if you don't meddle with them. They can afford a year or two of waiting to see if this thing produces unwanted side effects. Let's take the time and get it right, says I.

UPDATE: Women too. 


  1. Drugs have side effects, occasionally serious ones. Those side effects strongly usually are low rate occurrences.

    In the particular matter, the rates of myocarditis and pericarditis are extremely low and have no established connection with any Wuhan Virus vaccine. And they generally clear by themselves, leaving all of 20% of that originally tiny per centage of persons needing actual treatment.

    Within that, it's interesting that neither The Hill nor NBC News identify the allegedly offending vaccine, although NBC News does courageously imply that it's an mRNA vaccine.

    There are actually expert folks like Marty Makary who say that children--including those old enough to be in the bottom of the age range--don't need to be vaccinated at all.

    Too, I'm not interested in anything coming out of a CDC run by the Sobbing Doomsayer--the organization has no credibility.

    At this point, it's just the NLMSM scratching for clicks.

    Eric Hines

  2. raven9:15 PM

    It is not a pandemic. It is a military/psychological operation using health as a vector.
    I pray it is over, because if not, phase two is really going to be a bitch.
    We now have millions of people in the west with what is apparently a unique biological target marker in their bodies, something the bio warfare experts have sought forever . Lessee, how do we kill them, without killing us? Gee, if there were only some specific thing they had, that we don't.
    I am referring to reports that the antibodies produced by the vaccine, are different than the antibodies produced by covid. And the fact that the covid info used to develop the mRNA vaccine was supplied by China, and the fact they do not use the mRNA vaccine.
    So if they could design an infection to stimulate reaction from our unique antibodies, they might be able to cause an antibody dependent enhanced reaction and kill everyone who has had the jab.

  3. So if they could design an infection to stimulate reaction from our unique antibodies, they might be able to cause an antibody dependent enhanced reaction and kill everyone who has had the jab.

    That's something the Iranian government men would do. They just want the Great and Little Satans dead.

    The PRC won't do that. They don't want what we have, which is useless without us. They want us as slaves. If they're biologically targeting us (which I doubt; that's panicky conspiracy mongering), it's to incapacitate us long enough to move in.

    Even that, though, is unnecessarily complex. Better, and with prompter outcomes, simply to incapacitate our military; there's already plenty in our otherwise healthy population who think they would welcome the PRC in. And there are easier and more manageable ways to incapacitate our military, beginning with tactical EMP, then adding cyber, overwhelming shipboard missile defenses with numbers, and on and on. And with a little patience, Biden and his Progressive-Democrats are contributing to that incapacitation themselves with four years of defunding our military.

    My own panicky conspiracy: recall how thoroughly Stalin's Soviet Union had populated FDR's administration with his agents. Think Xi hasn't been every bit as thoroughly successful today?

    Eric Hines

  4. I don't know anything about that. I just know a young lady died from the vaccine. That's pretty tough stuff. I wouldn't give a child the thing until we've had time to understand exactly what all it ends up doing to you.

  5. No argument from me on injecting stuff into children. I'm just not going to get excited over side effects that have really tiny likelihoods of occurrence.

    Eric Hines

  6. There remains the inconvenient problem that a dose of the virus itself, even a mild one, is associated with heart arrhythmias. I'm afraid there's not going to turn out to be a risk-free strategy with this one.

  7. There's no risk-free strategy for anything, not even going to bed at night.

    We're all doomed to die the moment we're born. Onliest thing that matters is how we choose to live and how well we're able to answer that choice.

    Eric Hines
