FBI Violating Constitutional Rights of "Domestic Extremists" Since Election

Trump was still president when they started routinely violating the Constitution in pursuit of his supporters. 
[T]he FBI has continued to perform warrantless searches through the NSA's most sensitive databases for routine criminal investigations, despite being told by a federal judge in 2018 and 2019 that such a use was an unconstitutional breach of privacy.  

The FBI focused many of its warrantless searches - commonly referred to as backdoor queries - on suspected 'far-right' domestic terrorists, The Daily Beast reported.  

It's unclear from the heavily-redacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court report whether the FBI uncovered any criminal extremist behavior or made any arrests resulting from the searches.  

UPDATE: Microsoft executive testifies that they provide clandestine surveillance of Americans to the FBI without a warrant thousands of times a year.  


  1. I'm sure they're only focusing on bad guys.

  2. Dismantle the FBI, tear down the headquarters building and salt the Earth where it stood.
