Audit Update


 “We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”

Oh, really? Two hundred thousand ballots allegedly counted on election day are... just not there? 


"The total number of absentee ballots whose chain of custody was purportedly documented in these 385 missing Fulton County absentee ballot transfer forms was 18,901, more than 6,000 votes greater than the less than 12,000 vote margin of Biden’s certified victory in the state," the report said....

"As we review the documents provided to you and our daily log. We noticed that a few forms are missing, it seems when 25 plus core personnel were quarantined due to positive COVID-19 outbreak at the EPC, some procedural paperwork may have been misplaced," she told the Star News.

A few forms are missing, you say. Like eighteen thousand legally required forms, without which we have no reason to believe the votes were legally cast.  [UPDATE: One in four, apparently.]

We used to say 'if it's not close, they can't cheat,' but it turns out that they can. There's no constitutional remedy for a stolen election, but perhaps some people could go to jail. 


  1. perhaps some people could go to jail

    Don't bet your bike on that.

  2. They're riding high at the moment, having persuaded the courts just not to hear the challenges rather than to inspect them. But even so, you can tell they've been nervous the whole time. They know what they did, and they know they can't hide it forever.
