Atlanta Bleeds

Two of my ancestors helped Sherman burn the city where I was born, but at least they meant to destroy it. This time it's being destroyed by do-gooders who think they're helping. 
“It’s right up the street from us,” Mack said. “He told me ‘I love you’ and I said, ‘Love you too.’ But he didn’t make it there.”

Relatives discovered David Mack’s body while searching for him the following day. He’d been shot to death behind a public golf course about a quarter-mile from his southwest Atlanta home. He was 12.

David was one of more than 60 people in Atlanta whose lives were ended by violence this year.
May his death hang around the necks of the people who wrecked his home. Like a millstone on their way to the wine-dark sea.


Buckhead is one of the wealthiest parts of the city. What have they done?

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