"A Politically Fraud Situation"

A Freudian typo in an article about the border and the VP.
Harris’ role is not to staunch the flow of illegal aliens crossing into the U.S. but rather find solutions to the “root causes” of the migration in the first place.... Calling it a “politically fraud situation” for the Biden administration and Harris personally, Bertrand went on to say that the current White House, like past administrations  — “Trump Administration excepted” — is attempting to find a “humanitarian” solution.

She went on to claim that her network has been informed that Harris was “extremely involved” in devising the White House’s regional approach to the issue of surging illegal immigration, including “climate change” and “tackling food insecurity.”

Great job on that food insecurity work, then. With the inflation hitting grocery prices, America will soon stop looking so good in comparison. 

UPDATE: Man, we're really working that food insecurity angle


  1. Aside from the whole "kids in cages" problem which persists regardless of the party in charge
    Qre the facilities for long-distance pedestrians who "remain in Mexico" actually any better than the facilities in the U.S.?

    Is there any news organization or individual journalist or human rights activist with interest in, access to, and with tales to tell about, custodial institutions in the nation south of here?

    Or are unpleasant accommodations for pedestrians only newsworthy when the rooms are provided by the U.S. federal government?

  2. In fairness I think the Biden administration might escape criticism there, because they are doing their best to end the 'remain in Mexico' policy.

  3. While searching for an solving 'root causes', it is generally best to also address the immediate symptoms of those root causes. Especially when the ultimate root causes are beyond one's control.


  4. J, I saw this via Instapundit from Michael Yon and Congressman Tom Tiffany.

