A Scottish Evening

Since Tex’s pipes were a big hit, here are some more for the weekend. 


  1. I would just like to draw your attention to the fact that, in that first video, the Black Watch is deploying a fully armed platoon to protect their pipe band, pony, and guys in kilts with swords. They’re not messing around, not even in their hometown. Havamal 38.

  2. Fastest version of Scotland the Brave I've ever heard.

  3. Definitely. They do the quicktime version at the beginning and end for some reason, but they also do the regular version in the course of the march. It must be a regimental tradition.

  4. I enjoyed watching the parade. Here's a fuller version of the first video:


  5. Looks like the rifles all had magazines in them, but the belt fed weapons were unloaded. Of course the magazines could be empty; but I’ll bet they weren’t. They wouldn’t be if I were running the outfit.

    A very professional display.
