A Generation Lost in Latin America

Deep into the second year of the pandemic, Latin America is facing an education crisis. It has suffered the longest school shutdowns of any region in the world.... Millions of children in Latin America may have already left the school system, the World Bank estimates. In Mexico, 1.8 million children and young people abandoned their educations this school year because of the pandemic or economic hardship, according to the national statistics agency.

Ecuador lost an estimated 90,000 primary and secondary school students. Peru says it lost 170,000. And officials worry that the real losses are far higher because countless children, like Maicol, are technically still enrolled but struggling to hang on. More than five million children in Brazil have had no access to education during the pandemic, a level not seen in more than 20 years, Unicef says.

As the article points out, Latin America has for some reason been hit especially hard by the pandemic; with less than 10% of the world's population, it has 30+% of the deaths. Some of that is doubtless a record-keeping issue; statistics from China are assuredly unreliable, as all official information from China. Still, it must be informing the discussion about the wisdom of lockdowns. 

Nevertheless the cost is exceedingly high. In addition to the increases of poverty and even starvation at the margins, millions of children are losing their chance to receive the kind of basic education that would give them a chance. Their children and grandchildren will suffer for decades from what has been done in the last year or so. 


  1. It is hard to build things, easy to destroy them

  2. It's horrific there, but it's happening here too- at least in the blue states where the Teachers Unions run things. I can assure you that a lot of kids education prospects have already been thrown off track and likely destroyed, and a lot of kids are having mental health problems crop up or being exacerbated by all this. It's unconscionable.
