The Edited Declaration

I mean, at least he didn't forget "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights." I already knew we didn't agree on what the rights were.

UPDATE: Another important thing forgotten was not to say this stuff out loud.

1 comment:

  1. I'm frankly more concerned--angrified--by this than I was by his "you know--the thing" business. On that last, everyone draws a blank sometimes, and Biden has always struggled with a stutter.

    This, though, was utterly negligent carelessness, or an insulting shorthand, and it's unacceptable.

    Couple other things, too. One is Biden's wallowing in his son's service, again, and this time backhandedly drawing a sotto voce link between his son's brain cancer and the burn pits in Iraq.

    The other is that verbal sniffing and pawing of a little girl, and his snrking over it afterward. What's even more disgusting than that is the NLMSM's silence on his treatment of children.

    Eric Hines
