Recruiting Video Comparison

China, Russia, US

H/t Kozak over on Ricochet.


  1. No worries. We'll woke 'em to death.

    Eric Hines

  2. Darn, even if you agree with the content, how the message was created and sent is offensive. This is a Saturday morning kids cartoon presentation. It’s hard for me to believe an adult OK this cartoon for an enlistment message.

    And I believe any service members that voices an opinion would soon find themself in an unemployment line.

  3. Do you really want a military that is competent enough and aggressive enough to put down the American people. Ruby Ridge, Waco, remember?

    The chief enemy of and threat to any people is its own military.

  4. Ruby Ridge and Waco weren't the military, and I disagree with the idea that our own military is the chief threat to us.

  5. ...I disagree with the idea that our own military is the chief threat to us.

    Maybe not so far off. Biden's surrender of Nordstream 2 back to Putin comes after an embarrassingly short interval after Putin's demonstration with Colonial Pipeline.

    Eric Hines

  6. If I try (it isn't easy) to imagine good faith on the part of the ad creators, I suppose they think that the usual "armed forces tradition families" will keep on joining at the same rate without ads, and that those without such a tradition will also find their way in without any reminders or enticements. Therefore all they need to do is attract from the fringes that never thought of joining before.

    Focussing on the fringes doesn't sound like a rational ad campaign. And without extremely good targeting, fringy ads like this repel a lot of your recruit pool.

    So, if they created/approved this in good faith, they're incompetent.

    If they're competent, they are more concerned with ideology than mission, and lack good faith.

    Either way, can we find out who was responsible and get them out of the service?

  7. ymarsakar8:06 AM

    I have better anime.
