Miss Unsinkable

According to Wikipedia, Violet Jessop (1887-1971) survived not only the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912, but also the sinking of its sister ship the HMHS Britanic in 1916. She was a stewardess on both ships, and she continued working on ships afterwards.

In competition with her record, "Wenman Humfrey 'Kit' Wykeham-Musgrave (1899–1989) was a Royal Navy officer who has the possibly unique distinction of having survived being torpedoed on three different ships on the same day," 22 September 1914. Torpedoed and sunk on three different ships, I should point out. He was saved by a Dutch trawler.


  1. Per the article you cite, “ Arthur John Priest and Archie Jewell, two other survivors of the Titanic, were also onboard and both survived” the sinking of the Britanic. That’s surprising, but it probably puts the Royal Navy man in the lead. I’ll bet there aren’t two other guys who were sunk by torpedo three times in the same day.

  2. ymarsakar8:10 AM

    This is why the water people don't like certain "lone survivors" on their ships. It is bad luck superstition.
