I'd Rather Carry the One that Works

Apparently the VP also gave a speech today.
"Just ask any Marine today, would she rather carry 20 pounds of batteries or a rolled up solar panel, and I am positive she will tell you a solar panel, and so would he," she said, before laughing.

You know their lives may well depend on whether the stuff works when they get to the end of that march, right? They aren't carrying all that gear for fun. I'm fairly positive that they'll want the gear that will reliably do the job that might complete their mission and/or save their lives. 

These people are going to get our people killed, laughing all the time about how clever they are.


  1. Yeah, I'd rather carry a bottle of single malt scotch than either of those, but I'm not sure that makes it the best choice. Kamala is presenting a false choice.

  2. It's definitely true that I've never regretted the weight of a bottle of whisky on a long hike.

  3. If they expect to use their gear 24 hours a day, they are going to be carrying both the solar panel AND the batteries.

  4. Well, one day you might be fighting in the rain. So ...

    I mean, God does love the infantry that way.

  5. Also definitely true.

  6. ymarsakar8:02 AM

    Solar panels and power batteries go together. Not one or the other. Who packed this list?

  7. The cluelessness of the people is appalling, and, when combined with their plants for a hugely-increased role for government (and hence for themselves) in all matters of American life, it is terrifying. See The Mental World of Joseph Biden, Technology Department;

