Audit Update

Rasmussen Reports has taken an interest in the audit in Arizona, perhaps because its own polling supports the conclusion that the auditors are correct that Arizona was stolen. For whatever reason, they're a good source for updates from a reasonably reliable and professional source on the subject.

Currently they have published a rather explosive letter from the auditors. It appears that the ballots were unsealed before being turned over to the audit, and that the main databases of electronic records were deleted before the electronic storage was handed over. Of course, other servers and devices have still not been turned over to the Senate's auditors in spite of subpoenas. 

Destruction of evidence, and tampering with evidence, is usually considered a sort of evidence by itself. 


  1. New vocabulary for me: "spoliation of evidence." I naturally wanted to read that as "spoilation," which, as a synonym for pillage and plunder, makes perfect sense to me, but no. Of course, spoliation is a synonym for despoiling and plundering, so close.

    Spoliator is also a word, and I kinda like it. Maybe we could make a legal drama sequel to Gladiator?

    Both spoilation and spoliation go back through various languages to the Latin spoliare.

    And, given our recent interest in the Pirate Party, we should all know spolium, a related Latin word for booty.

  2. I don't honestly believe it would be good for the republic to overturn the election retroactively at this point.

    But I would like to see a LOT of people go to jail.

  3. I don't know of anybody that wants to see the 2020 election overturned based om audit results. I'd like to see a few thousand sacred cows tipped over though, and then cut into tiny little pieces, and fed into an incinerator. And then some new procedures ratified into law prior to 2022.

    Reversing the election is the straw man of choice trotted out by nervous Democrats, I think, trying to deflect the heat from the spotlight. And its prospect would provide a golden opportunity for them to win again by obfuscation, denial, misdirection, harassment.

  4. Agree with T99 and Aggie.

    James Lindsay of "New Discourses" recently stated "The Trump lawyers behaved like people who had no real evidence. The Democrats behaved like people who were not innocent and did not want anything investigated."

  5. There's no constitutional method for removing/replacing the administration anyway. I've heard it suggested that a sweep in 2022 might lead to Congress impeaching and removing Biden and Harris (if both are still around), leading to the Speaker of the House -- presumably Republican -- becoming President. But that would require a truly titanic wave in the Senate, or else a substantial number of Democrats breaking with their party in the name of good citizenship and a more stable constitutional order.

    For now, I don't even care if anyone goes to prison. I just want the truth to come out, and become known. People must know what happened, and then we -- the citizens -- will decide whether or not we are willing to accept it, or what we are willing to do to ensure it does not happen again. But the truth, first, is the main thing.
